It's a lonely life...that of the necromancer, er freelancer

A blog by a designer and illustrator, for designers and illustrators which may contain musings on art, movies and random weirdness.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Plan 8 From the Outer Ether Poster

A couple of weeks ago an old friend of mine contacted me and asked me if I could design a poster for an upcoming live performance.  Every once in a while I will get a text or e-mail from a friend who remembers that I am a graphic designer, and maybe finds themselves in a time or budget pinch, or just don't know where to turn. 

Usually these projects are duds, but not in this case. 

My friend Brian Rust and his "Post Meridian Radio Players" were not only doing a live reading of the script for "Plan 9 From Outer Space" for a Halloween weekend production in Somerville, but were also going to be performing his original script for "Plan 8 From the Outer Ether". He needed a poster to promote it STAT. I jumped at the chance.

Since time and budget was of the essence, I had to work with what was readily available for images, mostly culled off of the internet and assembled in Photoshop. I did it in one night. 

Perhaps you think it looks like it was done in one night, but that is not a bad thing in this case as it is Plan 9 we are talking about, (possibly the worst film ever made) and the air of general cheesiness was exactly what Brian was looking for. He was happy, and I really enjoyed working on it. If only more projects were this fun!

Friday, October 15, 2021

Mermaid Doodles

A couple of mermaid-related doodles in pen & ink and watercolor.